Whispers follows Jacob Holloway, an ambitious young journalist that is investigating a string of disappearances that have recently haunted Havensport. As he delves deeper into the city's dark past, a pervasive sense of dread consumes him, and he realizes that the secrets he's uncovering could cost him everything.

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Follow Jacob on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheJakeHolloway

Whispers is produced, written, edited, performed, scored, and created by Grant Zahorsky.

This podcast deals with mature themes and contains explicit language, depictions of bodily horror, violence, otherworldly terror, and death. Listener discretion is advised. Find full transcripts for every episode at our website: https://www.whisperspod.com.


(a recorder clicks on)

(cars driving, ambulance and police sirens blare, cars honk)

JACOB (sounding slightly manic): This is Jacob Holloway. I'm a reporter for the Metropolitan Press and I'm recording my investigation into the disappearances that have been haunting Havensport lately. The deeper I dig into this city's past, the more I realize that every shadow hides a secret...every whisper contains a warning...


JACOB: The people here...they don't *talk* about the things in the dark. But I **know** they are out there....they're watching...(a longer pause) they're waiting...

JACOB: Some weird things have been happening..things I can't explain? I guess? I don't know. I must sound so crazy right now...(Jacob chuckles) Yeah, I'm definitely crazy. (very manic) But I can **feel** the darkness closing in on me. It's suffocating me.

JACOB: But I won't give up- I *can't* give up. I won't let this drive me away. Not again....

(rapid breathing begins)

(whispers from all directions envelope your mind)

(sirens, horns grow louder)

(the recorder clicks off)


PART 1: Whispers in the Dark